Rember Orellana: Smooth Shading, Originality, and the Importance of Detail
RECORDED LIVE August 3rd, 2014
In this on-demand webinar event you will:
Learn from one of the best Black and Grey artists working today, Rember Orellana from Rebel Muse Tattoo.
Some of the topics that he will be covering are:
Getting Creative
Good Craftsmanship (straight lines, smooth shading)
Dimension and Flow
Accents of color in black & Gray
Tips to stimulate your imagination while tattooing.
About the artist:
Born in Guatemala, and later moving to the U.S. to attend High School, a career as a Tattoo Artist was something that I had never anticipated. Before I started tattooing, I was an amateur boxer for two years, and an avid wrestler for six years. I've always had a love for art, and have always enjoyed drawing and painting. It wasn't until 2007 that some friends of mine suggested that I get into the tattoo industry. I was fortunate enough to be introduced to some really great artist in the beginning, whom I would watch very closely, and feel that I learned a lot from. Although I have had no formal apprenticeship, being around this group of people really motivated me to strive to reach the next level. I quickly learned the basics of tattooing, how to put together and take apart the tattoo machines, what kind of ink to use, what kind of needles to use, etc. I attended a few private art classes. That really helped me to understand more of the artistic side of this industry. I would describe my style as surrealistic/gothic. My style involves a lot of realism, but I like to incorporate different abstract elements to my work, mainly gothic architecture. I love it when a client comes to me with a basic idea, but is open for me to incorporate my own ideas and style. I am based out of Dallas, Texas, but I try to travel and do as many shows and guest spots as I can. In my spare time I enjoy drawing, painting, traveling and spending as much time as I can with my wife and two children. The best way to get an appointment with me, is to visit my web site at