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Lines and Feelings in Eternal Moments Live Webinar ON DEMAND

Price: $50.00
lady sara webinar



Webcast on April 23 2017  from Off The Map Easthampton MA

Have all the tattoos a meaning?
Yes , always.
But people look at me, all scrawled, and think it is not possible that all tattoo have a story.
I don't want this from the tattoos that I create; when you see one of my tattoos immediately think: This tattoo tells a story.
Learn how to create an abstract avant-garde composition and to create emotions.
Then I will explain my pratical and technical method of execution of tattoo.

Learning outcomes:

how to create an abstract, avantgarde composition to create emotions
understand a tattoo's story
read the story of a tattoo and convert images
choose the elements to represent
create a balanced composition
the importance of read up
learn the symbols from the world
what are technically the essential points for a tattoo of this style
one of my tattoo: all the techniques and the materials that I use 

About Lady Sara

I'm a 32 years old Italian tattoo artist specialized in tatuage avant-garde d'elite .
I'm a vegan animal lover and I love read books.
I'm searching stories and good feelings to show .
In my art, searching to read stories about your own world and translate it in how I see it on my mind .

Price: $50.00