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Artist Responsive Website
Price: $1,499.00
$29 monthly fee includes training as well as recorded and live webinars. Buy online or call to get started today! (413) 585-9134
The TattooNOW Basic responsive sites are mobile friendly, easy to update, and attract a lot of traffic and clients. They include a logo and background color, tattoo galleries, art galleries, biography, news, and contact page. It also comes with the option to have social media buttons. Everything necessary to start building your website traffic. We have websites that are over 15 years old, and have outlasted many other social media sites.
The TattooNOW Advantage
- Basic websites launch within 14 days from order!
- Tap into the power of TattooNOW affordably
- Update your website, and other TattooNOW websites and mobile apps, in seconds 24/7.
- Attract tens of thousands of unique visitors a month!
- Build your cliental.
- Extra promotion to hundreds of thousands through TattooNOW's network websites. (No other developer offers this!)
- Effective from apprentices to established professionals
- Friendly tech support you can count on! (We already quit our real jobs, not going anywhere!)
Check out all our artist services! .jpg)
Examples of basic websites include:
Get a brief understanding in the video below:
$499 one time setup and $29 a month.
Buy online or call to get started today! (413) 585-9134
Price: $1,499.00