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Tattoos » Page 1 » Baltimore, Maryland Themed Back Tattoo
By John Garancheski III

Tattooed Heart Studios
Hanover MD, 21076

Request Tattoo Appointment from John Garancheski III

- 410.553.0064
Wow, this is going to be quite a description. This Baltimore, Maryland themed back piece tattoo is on a good client of mine, Fernandez. He is a true advocate for Baltimore and this back piece is another facet of that. Fernandez helps to promote Baltimore in a positive way in the hopes that the city will grow stronger, safer, and more productive. This tattoo includes a night view of Baltimores Inner Harbor (you can see all your favorites including the national aquarium, the world trade center, the hard rock guitar above the power plant, and the even the submarine is hiding in there), the Pride of Baltimore II, a famous lighthouse on the Chesapeake, the Bromo Seltzer clock tower, a Maryland blue crab, the Domino sugars sign, a realistic raven, the old skooly baltimore orioles bird logo, black eyed susan flowers, the maryland flag, Baltimore in graffiti lettering, the natty boh guy with a spiked baseball bat in a orioles uniform, plenty of water to represent the whole Chesapeake Watershed, and some other hidden jewels if you are lucky enough to see this impressive tattoo in person.

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