Submitted 08.14.18

September 1st, come join us in celebrating our bigger, newer, more exciting studio! We’ll still be in the same great location, but now we’re going to have the entire building!

Keep an eye on our Instagram and Facebook (both @jollyoctopustattoos) for sneak previews of the expansion and details about our new Opening Day… We’ll have flash deals, door prizes,  a sausage sizzle, and, if you’re feeling brave, Roll the Dice and Let Fate Decide your next tattoo!

September 1 - 11am - 272 Greers Road, Christchurch - 360-3120

Can’t wait to see you!!!


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Studios, looking for tattooers? Artists, looking for guest studios or full time gigs?

Fill out the Recruiting/guest studio registration form here!

Connecting Tattooers & Collectors since the 90s

Amplifying positive Tattooers so they can leave the longest lasting impact possible