"Choice" Oil on wood 6ft. x 3ft. 2013 by Aaron Della Vedova: TattooNOW
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Art » Painting » Page 42 » "Choice" Oil on wood 6ft. x 3ft. 2013
By Aaron Della Vedova

Guru Tattoo Studio
1122 Garnet ave
San Diego CA, 92109

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by Aaron Della Vedova
3x6 ft.  Oil on wood

How do we arrive at our decisions in life?  I've often wondered this.  And I'm not talking about things like, should I go with the Venti or Grande?  I mean the big ones.  What we do for an occupation.  Where we live.  Who we choose to share our love with.  It seems to me that all decisions come from one of two places.  First there is the conventional route.  Ponder all of the information at hand.  Weigh out the relative significance of the data and make a final assessment.  Makes sense right?  Maybe.  However there is another way.   A way that a tremendous amount of research would suggest often arrives individuals at a far more superior answer to the question at hand.  Some call it intuition, others call it sixth sense.  Whatever your term history has proven to us, time and time again, that the most breakthrough decisions in any humans life are made in this way.  Unfortunately, we live in a society that places a high value on data and facts.  Everybody wants to see the charts and graphs to support our direction of action in life.  It is because of this that many people ignore their deepest feelings and go with what "makes sense" in order to avoid judgment and perceived risk.  The painting before you is not about doing that.  It is about following your heart.  It's about ignoring the risk and judgement of others and going with what feels right.  In it she holds two choices in her hands.  Quieting her mind she begins to sense the subtle vibrations of an answer that has been awaiting her all along.  In this moment the walls she perceives beyond her skin begin to slowly dissolve.  A sort of merging with the wind, plants, animals and the universe begins to unfold.  It is through this meditative state she gains access to all the information there is.  I heard it once said that we already know everything, we have only to remember.  And so it is that she remembers.  In a way that is beyond language she begins to "feel" all of the information needed to find her direction.  At first only a whisper, but with focus the voice grows.  And in the blink of an eye she knows.  What once seemed so complicated is now so incredibly simple.  She is empowered to make her choice.

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