Horses are my absolute favorite animal to draw!
When I was 2.5 years old, my parents gave me a wipe off board that they mounted in the hallway at my height and I would stand and draw for hours and hours. Elephants were my first muse, and as soon as I rode a horse, horses became the "mane" stream of my art work!
Post it notes, my brother and sisters school papers, envelopes, you name it. I was drawing on it. I still have a huge foot locker full of my childhood drawings. The majority of them, of course, are horse drawings!
Since childhood I have explored different art mediums including pencil, chalk/pastels, Prismacolors, oil pastels, and now I am a professional tattoo artist since 2007.
To inquire about custom portraiture of your horse or other pets, contact me via my website, Ink Goddess Tattoos Facebook Instagram