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Tattoos » Page 170 » Dog Portrait tattoo by Haylo
By Haylo

Ink Goddess Tattoos
1442 Draper Parkway
Draper Utah, 84020

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I love tattooing portraits of pets. Dogs, cats, horses, you name it.

Memorial pet portrait tattoos have became a staple in my growing portfolio, and this portrait was truly special. 

I love learning about my clients pets. Their special memories with their family. Their fun times, their hard times. Their struggles, their joys. Pets play such a special role in our lives and our families, and my love for my own pets, both present and moved on, is my drive to give my client the best replica of their beloved pet in their memorial tattoo

My clients never knew the true mixture of breeding of their dog. Maybe his was a Labrador Retriever mixed with some Great Dane. Who knows? What they DID know was that this dog had a hold on their heartstrings and was their "spirit dog". 

I was very honored to be chosen for this very sentimental tattoo that my client was in tears upon seeing the completed piece. 

Seeing those reactions are what keep reminding me in my heart that my ability to draw, create and tattoo are my calling in this lifetime, and I am truly blessed to have the ability to share that calling with my friends, family and clients. 

See more of my tattoos and art work via my website Ink Goddess Tattoos Facebook and Instagram

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