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Tattoos » Flower Rose » Page 11 » Skull and Roses Coverup Tattoo
By Lefty Colbert

Lefty Colbert Custom Tattoos
933 Lake Air Dr.
Waco TX, 76710

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I enjoy doing cover ups. Even do color from time to time. So thankful for @robert.newton_25 to bring his awesome lady friend all the way from Detroit to get tattooed by me. And got to finish some work on him as well! Great people! #infamousinkwaco#wacoinfamous #leftycolbert #empireinks#inkmachines #vitalitreetattoo #immortalprime#borgtattoomachines #inkedmag #heliostattoo#colortattoos #h2ocean #skulltattoo#skullandroses #coveruptattoo

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