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Tattoos » Movie Horror » Page 5 » Leatherface
By Cecil Porter

Cecil Porter Studios - Custom Tattoos and Illustration
Portland OR,

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The client wanted a cool leatherface tattoo based off of a black and white photo. I used this as a partial coverup and just went crazy with the color. This was done with , and supplies from




(Scroll to see process) Did a little cover up using a cool leatherface. The photo was a black and white so that gave me freedom to do whatever with the color. This was (like most my pieces) one session, I believe 5.5 hrs. I really feel that, at least to me, the more I stay in a high chroma scale the better my pieces turn out. Let me know what you think. Books now open in Portland email for availability. As always done with @fusion_ink @inkmachines and supplies from the glove for the artist. #cecilporter #color #realism #horror #tattoo #leatherface #videooftheday #movie #cinema #scary #tattoos #art #artist #ink #inked #colour #portrait #picoftheday #fun #tattooedgirls #portland #portlandtattoo #photooftheday

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