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By Lefty Colbert

Lefty Colbert Custom Tattoos
933 Lake Air Dr.
Waco TX, 76710

Request Tattoo Appointment from Lefty Colbert

Fun doing my apprentices@_h3rb first @borgtattoomachines machine on him with a traditional panther the other night. I’m proud of him as he gets closer to completing his 2 year apprenticeship. He’s going to be a asset to our industry. He’s been able to lead a little from so many! And this coming Monday he gets a history lesson from the best @shanghaikate #borgtattoomachines #heliostattoo #empireinks#vitalitreetattoo #inkedmag #infamousink#leftycolbert #traditionaltattoos #mixedstyle#tattooapprentice #panthertattoo #eternalink#wacoinfamous

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