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Tattoos » Skull » Page 16 » Black and grey weathered skull with purple moth tattoo
By Rafael Marte

Rafael Marte Tattoos
Yonkers New York, 10071

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- 914-803-0387 Tattoo Shop

Life and death can be seen in this composition. The death moth is alive in contrast to the skull, but it is also full of color and is a nice fusion of both black and gray and color tattooing. The skull is weathered and has the marks of going through trails and life tests. Skulls are an endless source of inspiration for tattoo art and can be combined with so many other elements like this moth. Flowers, everyday objects,  jewels, or an endless list of other subjects can be combined with skull imagery to make the impact you are looking to get. this arm tattoo was done in New York were i tattoo full time. 

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