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Tattoos » Page 164 » Black and Grey Feather, locket, and banner with Friends Family
By Rafael Marte

Rafael Marte Tattoos
Yonkers New York, 10071

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- 914-803-0387 Tattoo Shop

Tattoos are a way of self expression, just like so many other things in this world, that lets us stand out in a crowd and  be unique. One big theme a lot of people have in common though are the love of family and the appreciation of loyalty and friendship. My awesome client Luis comes in with many cool ideas and I really enjoyed making this black and grey tattoo for him to show how important his friends and family are to him. This was a multiple sitting tattoo due to all the details in the black feather and within the heart locket and chain links. Luis is also a big guy and this tattoo covers a very large area. Luckily he has the patience and perseverance to come back and sit for the amount of time necessary for me to do my thing. Thanks again Luis! I would love to hear what cool idea you have in mind for your next custom tattoo. Feel free to E mail me with any questions...

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