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Tattoos » Feminine » Page 22 » Baby Elephant watercolor freehand tattoo by Haylo
By Haylo

Ink Goddess Tattoos
1442 Draper Parkway
Draper Utah, 84020

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What is cuter than a baby elephant? Especially a watercolor tattoo of a baby elephant! Elephants were my "first love" when I started drawing as a child. My parents took me to the Circus and I saw a gorgeous Indian Elephant named "King Tusk".  I was fascinated by this beautiful animal, and when my parents gave me a wipe off board for me to draw on when I was 3 years old, I drew elephants for hours!

I was tickled pink when my client requested a watercolor African elephant, and even more excited when she requested a BABY elephant!

See more of my watercolor tattoos via my website Ink Goddess Tattoos Instagram and Facebook

A common question asked with Watercolor tattoos:

"Do Watercolor Tattoos fade easily?" - Simply put, all tattoos fade eventually – even solid black ones. ... As long as your artist is an experienced professional, your watercolor tattoo should not really fade at all in the first several years as long as you take care of it properly with premium tattoo aftercare.

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