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Tattoos » Finished Work » Page 22 » Giant Moth leg tattoo by Haylo
By Haylo

Ink Goddess Tattoos
1442 Draper Parkway
Draper Utah, 84020

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My client had a thing for moths and it shows! I love doing lifelike tattoos that look like you can actually reach out and touch them. And this client gave me a fun new challenge doing this large scale, very detailed full color moth tattoo on her calf.

The final piece wrapped around her leg, and needless to say, had to be taken in several photos to represent the size of the final tattoo design in it's entirety.

I am looking forward to do more insect genre tattoos in the future after how much fun I had creating this realistic moth tattoo!

See more of my tattoos and artwork at Ink Goddess Tattoos Facebook and Instagram

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