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Tattoos » New School » Page 129 » Audrey Kawasaki Tattoo
By London Reese

MD Tattoo Studio
The Vatican Tattoo Studio
Lake Forest, OC CA, 92630

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I started this Audrey Kawasaki tattoo about 18 months ago on a good friend and finally got to finish it. She wanted a few different key elements in this tattoo based off of different pieces by the artist. I'm a fan of Kawasaki's beautiful artwork so this was an honor for me. Her color schemes are pretty gnarly so I decided to modify it for this tattoo so it will hold up over time. About 10 hours of work on the ribs. Mostly Fusion Ink. (PS I recently noticed that Ivana, a talented tattooer, did a similar Kawasaki tattoo (looks awesome I should add) and changed up the color scheme as well. It's pretty interesting to see how different artists see things.)

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