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Tattoos » Original Art » Page 23 » Watercolor Pit Bull portrait by Haylo
By Haylo

Ink Goddess Tattoos
1442 Draper Parkway
Draper Utah, 84020

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My client's life was changed when her bully breed dog came into her life. So much so, she wanted to become an advocate for not just pit bulls, but all bully bred dogs. 
To symbolize her devotion to "don't bully my breed", she commissioned me to do a watercolor style portrait of a pit bull with the slogan in the frame around the dogs face. 
Although I no longer add script to my realism or watercolor artwork designs, this one is still one of my favorite completed watercolor animal portraits in my portfolio. 

I might also add that I did the watercoloring coloring of this portrait completely freehanded. No prefabricated design. No predetermined color placement. My client gave me full artistic reign and I loved every moment of bringing this portraiture to completion!

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