Jared Preslar



I am Jared Preslar and I began tattooing professionally in 1997, I hungered to be a tattoo artist from the age of 12. Art was always my passion, I loved to draw from a young age and later began to oil paint. I immediately fell in love with this medium and it has influenced my tattooing greatly. I have Jeff Gogue to thank for his time and sharing of knowledge, technique and experience, I may have never picked up an oil brush had it not been for him. Some of the artists whom have influenced my tattooing over the years have been Filip Leu, Guy Aitchison, Horiyoshi III, Shige, and Jeff Gogue to name a few. I have spent quite a few years traveling around the world, meeting and tattooing some very amazing people that of which I'm grateful for, I am however settling down from travel and am really focusing on refining/redesigning my art at this point. I am constantly focused on growing as an artist and as a person although I have a long way to go I have very high aspirations.

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