[02:35] “The benefit of moving was to kind of slow down and figure ourselves out as artists. We were in the Netherlands and Scotland with all their great Museums. So it was really just starting to learn to paint more.”
— Tom Strom
As a Tattooer or an artist in general it’s really important to travel and explore different places around the country and around the world. Travel is one of the only times you really get to have a unique experience from your everyday shop or studio experience. Tom and Jackee took that to a much further extent by moving to another country and trying to live among some different cultures and people. Often times travel can act as a way to really drive your creativity into new areas. You never know when a landscape or building might inspire a design, or even just a conversation with someone.
Certain individuals don’t really like the word “vacation” though. They feel like it’s a lazy idea, “if you’re doing what you love then you’re not working”, RIGHT?! While that may be true in some ways, taking time-off of tattooing to focus on recharging doesn’t have to be a vacation. It can be time for classes, building your craft and working on new ideas, or unveiling a new perspective. Time-off can really be another way of honing skills.