Howie Talks About Developing A Style

Submitted 05.09.23

Howie Talks About Developing A Style

[13:50] “When I started tattooing everything was lined out. I didn’t think too much about gray lines or blood lines, just line it! A lot of the feedback I would get was ‘wow, your lines are clean’, my lines almost became my signature. Tying that in with what I got from Phil started to set things off and really give me, I guess, my style.”

— Howie Horowitz

To what extent are you exploiting your strengths? Are you aware of how your hand naturally moves on paper or a tablet when creating marks? Have you taken notice of the feedback and comments that others have provided on your tattoo designs? It's often beneficial to hone in and be intentional with practice, so consider finding an area where this focus would bring forth the most reward.

While this advice might seem to be related to drawing, it is actually applicable in a multitude of scenarios for artists and entrepreneurs. As an example, do you find social media tedious and exhausting? Rather than smashing your head against a wall, why not consider bringing on someone else either through a service or simply hiring an assistant? There are people out there who not only want to help you, but they actually enjoy doing it. This single example helps demonstrate the abundance of options available when looking for strategies that will enable one's success as an artist/entrepreneur!


Watch the full episode:

Howie Makes Awesome Tattoos...But It Wasn't Always That Way | Howie Horowitz

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