IVR (Interactive Voice Response): Press 1 for tattoo booking app Press 2 for tattoo promotion ideas


Phone ringing driving ya nuts? Or you on silent mode with messages stacking up while most of them can easily handled by someone else or a question answered at the time? But now just more lost opportunities? Today I'm going show you how to set up IVR Interactive Voice Response so that you can tattoo and draw more, while the phone filters out the incoming calls and “does the right thing”. As a studio manager, tattooer, or busy business person, you’ve probably had your own fights with the phone. Hopefully too many calls aha. Or if too few you cant afford to miss calls while you are tattooing. You may already be using our missed call text back, which is amazing, but having a full featured Interactive Voice Response allows us to filter the calls even more! Imagine “Press 1 for tattoo, Press 2 for piercing…" https://longevity.tattoonow.com/

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Studios, looking for tattooers? Artists, looking for guest studios or full time gigs?

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