On Solving a Problem; Finding the Perfect Black Ink - King Ruck

Submitted 10.13.23

On Solving a Problem; Finding the Perfect Black Ink

[40:58] “I don’t want all those different blacks, I just want a black that works and allows me to do the things that I need.”

— King Ruck

Tattooing on darker skin tones can be a challenge sometimes. All inks will change color or lose their brilliance over time because of the nature of skin. But, depending on the tonal temperature of someone’s skin and amount of melanin in the dermis some inks won’t be visible even after a short few years.

King Tattoo Ink Lining Black Bottles

Black inks in particular can sometimes shift to a greenish, blueish, or even reddish hue depending on the brand or composition of pigments. To combat these tonal shifts some manufacturers will make an ultra-concentrated mixture of a mostly carbon based pigment, similar to a Zuper or Triple Black. But these tend to be difficult to apply in certain situations like lining or doing fine-line work. 

Creating an ink that combines ease of application with long-lasting, rich blackness is no easy task. And with the insane amount of different black inks out in the world it’s hard to find the right one.

King Ruck tattoo Black and Gray Native American Back Piece

Watch the full episode:

From Bad Apple To Tattoo Royalty | King Ruck | EP 274

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