Error Executing Database Query.
Invalid object name 'zhippo.zhippo.supertype'.
The error occurred in C:/home/Root/ line 36
Called from C:/home/Root/ line 4
Called from C:/home/Root/ line 1
Called from C:/home/Root/cfscriptssql/center.cfm: line 1236
Called from C:/home/Root/cfscriptssql/center.cfm: line 1230
Called from C:/home/Root/cfscriptssql/center.cfm: line 1
Called from C:/home/Root/ line 256
Called from C:/home/Root/ line 36
Called from C:/home/Root/ line 4
Called from C:/home/Root/ line 1
Called from C:/home/Root/cfscriptssql/center.cfm: line 1236
Called from C:/home/Root/cfscriptssql/center.cfm: line 1230
Called from C:/home/Root/cfscriptssql/center.cfm: line 1
Called from C:/home/Root/ line 256
34 : inner join zhippo.zhippo.artistjobs on artistjobs.supertypeindex = artist.supertypeindex and artistjobs.job=1
35 : where artist.status = 1<cfif #URL.searchword# neq "">
36 : and name like <cfif isdefined("url.searchletter")>'#TRIM(url.searchword)#%'<cfelse>'%#TRIM(url.searchword)#%'</cfif>
37 : </cfif>
38 : order by name
S0002 |
zhippo |
208 |
select, artist.owner, artist.supertypeindex from zhippo.zhippo.supertype artist
inner join zhippo.zhippo.SupertypeSupertype on SupertypeSupertype.member = artist.supertypeindex and supertypesupertype.owner=3075
inner join zhippo.zhippo.artistjobs on artistjobs.supertypeindex = artist.supertypeindex and artistjobs.job=1
where artist.status = 1
and name like 'm%'
order by name
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ColdFusion |
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Date/Time |
25-Jan-24 05:15 AM |